Monday, November 14, 2011

Commission from a Friend

 A friend of mine who uses a bicycle as his main form of transportation commissioned these from me. He really needed something to keep his hands warm and still have the use of them. He actually wanted a much looser spiral, but he's very happy with the way they're turning out.

Incidentally, he has huge hands.
It's done in Caron Simply Soft white and black, and Vanna's Choice in some dark grey I've had a while. All in single stitch.

CH 45 (for giant hands. just make sure that it goes around the palm of your hand, and that it's divisible by the number of colors you're using. i.e. 45 is divisible by 3 = 15.) with one color.

okay sorry my non-existent readers im way to unfocused for this typing shit, so, good night.

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